Year: 2020

Year: 2020

10.11.2020 Mobile, Our Products ilTerra

This application should be interesting for people who are fond of drawing, and those who, in between work, take a pencil or pen in hand and begin to draw various figures on paper without thinking about their meaning at all. Simetria will help you to abstract yourself from your daily routine, relax your mind and

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Why Projects Fail?
22.06.2020 Knowledge Sharing, Без рубрики Tanya Grigorkevich

Introduction Each year, enterprise organizations around the world face astronomical project failure rates, often wasting millions of dollars per failed project. The same enterprises agonize over the causes of project failure, call in expensive consultants to assess and recover failing projects, and often abandon what originally seemed like well-planned, well-organized projects, destined for success. There

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AVA Game
15.06.2020 Mobile, Our Products ilTerra

The game is based on real events and the laws of space. By playing this game you are trying to defeat not only your opponent, but also fight against the obstacles of an uncontrollable galaxy. At first glance it will seem to you that everything is simple and logical, but you should not forget that

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Step by step: Installation Python 3.7 on Debian 9
09.05.2020 DevOps, Knowledge Sharing, QA Yauhen Panimatchanka

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. With its simple and easy to learn syntax Python is a great choice for beginners and experienced developers. Python is quite a versatile programming language, you can use it to do almost anything you want, write small scripts, build games, develop websites, create

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What is Soak Testing?
25.04.2020 Knowledge Sharing, QA Tanya Grigorkevich

Introduction If you plan to achieve or look to maintain the maximum performance of your systems during operating hours, you may need a few performance tests verifying your system’s stability and load during the final phase of the development cycle. This kind of tests is called soak tests, which help you discover immediate performance-related problems—such

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14.04.2020 DevOps, FinCast, Mobile, Our Products, Web ilTerra

FinCast is a set of applications for various devices whose task is to provide the user with information about the current exchange rates of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (at this moment, the project is focused primarily on the audience of users from the Republic of Belarus, however, if necessary, it can

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Installation guide: Docker on Debian 10
13.04.2020 DevOps, Knowledge Sharing Yauhen Panimatchanka

Docker is the most popular and widely used container runtime. It enables you to package and run your applications in isolated containers in a single server or cluster of Linux servers orchestrated by Kubernetes and similar tools. Docker is a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in

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